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Thread #125426   Message #2825058
Posted By: Ebbie
29-Jan-10 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
GfS, here is a partial list of notables who lived "as if homosexuality is an essential part of building a society. It's a dead end!"

You are right, of course. Every single one of these men is dead...

Zeno, Greek philosopher (500 B.C.)

Sophocles, Greek playwright (496?-406 B.C.)

Socrates, Greek philosopher (470?-399 B.C.)

Aristotle, Greek philosopher (384-322 B.C.)

Alexander the Great, Macedonian ruler (356-323 B.C.)

Emperor Hadrian, Roman ruler (76-138 A.D.)

Richard the Lion-Hearted, British ruler (1157-1199)

Richard II, British ruler (1367-1400)

Leonardo da Vinci, painter-scientist (1452-1519)

Benvenuto Cellini, Italian goldsmith (1500-1571)

Christopher Marlowe, British playwright (1564-1593)

King James I, British ruler (1566-1625)

John Milton, British poet (1608-1674)

Jean Baptiste Lully, French composer (1632-1687)

Frederick the Great, Prussian ruler (1712-1786)

King Gustav III, Swedish ruler (1746-1792)

Baron Alexander von Humboldt, German naturalist (1769-1859)

Lord Byron, British poet (1788-1824)

Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author (1805-1875)

Walt Whitman, American poet (1819-1892)

Samuel Butler, British author (1835-1902)

Algernon Swinburne, British poet (1837-1909)

Petr Ilich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer (1840-1893)

Paul Verlaine, French poet (1844-1896)

Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright (1854-1900)

Frederick Rolfe (Baron Corvo), British author (1860-1913)

Andre Gide, French author (1869-1951)

Marcel Proust, French author (1871-1922)

E. M. Forster, British author (1879-1970)

John Maynard Keynes, British economist (1883-1946)

Sir Harold Nicholson, British author-diplomat (1886-1968)

Capt. Ernst Roehm, German Nazi leader (1887-1934)

T. E. Lawrence, British soldier-author (1888-1935)

Jean Cocteau, French author (1889-1963)

Christopher Isherwood, British author (1904- )

Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish secretary-general U.N. (1905-1961)

W. H. Auden, British-American poet (1907- )

Jean Genet, French playwright (1909- )

Tennessee Williams, American playwright (1911- )

Brendan Behan, Irish author (1923-1964)