The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2825205
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jan-10 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
mauvepink; "To be honest I think that intravenous drug users, bisexuals and homosexuals, are probably more aware than most of the risks they take with dangerous practices."
THANK YOU, mp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's beyond belief that the ones in here don't agree with you!
Don't believe me??......just scroll back!
As far as I'm concerned, ALL promiscuity is also a 'dangerous practice', and a foolish, destructive one, at that!..Just ask the children of a home broken because of it. Just ask yourselves, of the time wasted in your lives, over coming it, or the 'No-Where Land' you ended up, pursuing it!!! ... THANK YOU< ONCE AGAIN, MP!!!

GfS post closed up togtehr by me and not how it was initially below...

BUT GfS... I have not seen anyone on here not going along with that. I think all have agreed that unsafe sex is dangerous and unwise. It is not being promiscuous per se. It is having unprotected sex. And no matter what sexuality you are it makes no difference.

Yes, of course, being in a stable monogamous relationship is safer (including gay monogamous relationships) but no-one can ever take the moral high ground as so many people get cheated on. So what I wrote cannot be taken in it's sole cpnext without the rest of what I posted... namely

Where the great damger lies is in the percentage of straight folks who still see HIV/AIDS as a gay disease or a disease of intravenous drugs users. So many think it cannot happen to them because they are straight. So many discount any chance of acquiring HIV/AIDS because they are not in a high risk group. In fact, they are! Anyone having unprotected sex is risking all sorts of things and until ALL people recognises that no-one is immune to this threat then the figures will continue to rise.

The sooner the myth of it being a gay disease is got rid of, and people who are not gay start thinking they are just as easily a target for the disease, then we may have a start in seeing a reduction in new infections.

We need to get away from the moral, holier than thou, blame culture. We need a concentrated effort from people of all sexualities and religious persuasions to try and end this threat. Blaming each other and arguments will get nowhere. Look at this thread? Name calling and people getting hurt. some almost having to win at all costs. Why? With HIV/AIDS there are no winners. We all lose. The sooner we stop getting at gay people because of HIV/AIDS the better.

Personally, my wish would be for all on this thread to kiss and make up. Get respect back for each other and put the bad bits behind us all. I know it's a dream because some would not and will not do that.]

There have been some hateful and hurtful things said. Shake hands, kiss, hug... do as you will. But can we end the arguments on what is a serious issue that potentially affects us all?
