The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126347   Message #2825608
Posted By: Charley Noble
30-Jan-10 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
Subject: RE: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
A. L. Lloyd also recorded "South Australia" on TEN THOUSAND MILES AWAY, as re-released as a CD by Fellside Recordings in 2008; the original recordings were made in the 1950's. The notes to the songs are by A. L. Lloyd as edited and revised by Paul Adams. The version is again attributed to Ted Howard of Berry in South Wales. The earliest written reference to the song that Lyoyd could find was a 14-stanza version transcribed by Laura Smith from "a black seaman in the Sailor's Home in Newcastle upon Tyne , in the early 1880's." Smith published the song in MUSIC OF THE WATER. Again there is no claim that the song was peculiar to the Australia run, or how much older the sung was. It appears to be one of the few sea songs that was sung both as a shanty and a forebitter.

Charley Noble