The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2826724
Posted By: Royston
31-Jan-10 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?

Neither Keith nor I are "the last word" in anything.

The things on which we agree are in black and white a day or so ago. As are the things on which we disagree or that we agree to disagree on.

You and Ake are still in a minority of two on the social and ethical questions that this discussion is actually about.

Moreover, you are both self-confessed homophobes, Ake is as thick as two short planks (just the other day he "proved" that HIV affects gay and straight Africans in equal measure - demolishing all your argumemts, both of you) and you have been busted as a liar. Not just accused, or suspected of lying, but exposed as an out and out liar. Exposed as a liar on matters as fundamental as your gender and the life experiences you claim to have and that you put forward as support for and validation of your opinions.

You are nothing more than a hate-filled liar. You have no credibility here. Do you still profess yourself a Christian? How does your behaviour here sit with your conscience?