The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2826965
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Feb-10 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Don: "......and he has a very warped idea of what liberalism amounts to, as is the case with most conservatives--which apparently includes you,....."

No Don, I'm not a flaming conservative, but a little more to the center, or where ever I can find truth in common sense and common sense in the truth! To you, and understandably so, it must seem to the right...umm...maybe super far right, but its not really...actually, when I think about it, I think some of your dogmatic political mindset, is way out in left field, far out, that it's not even in the ballpark....but somewhere out there where you still catch flies.   <<<<(hey, that was a good line..just made it up..just for you.) Shit! You're an inspiration!!!

As long as we're at it,..". By the way, GfS, in your last post, you seem to be trying to imply that those who disagree with you must, of necessity, be homosexual. That would come as a helluva surprise to my wife!! Very disingenuous of you, GfS!"

GfS: "Got any other nasty little secrets???", he grins a mischievous grin, looks slightly upwards, rolling then locking his eyes at about a 10 o'clock position, scuffs the floor, with the sole of the shoe, crossing legs, at the shins, and stabbing the floor with his foot as he comes to rest, and plunges his hands deep into his pocket, purses his lips, then grins.

Oh my Gosh, I'm getting carried away!..Jeez, I told you that you were an inspiration!

Oh, and true to tell, I was told, by someone on the roof, that he WAS listening. I doubt if it made much difference..maybe till he died, and met God, who must have said, "Ronnie Babie, at least you can't say, you weren't told!"

Kiss the Wife,