The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24492   Message #282702
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Aug-00 - 05:20 PM
flattop - I didn't think she was talking about a guy who stalked her either, just a guy who was a little out of touch. We aren't talking behind her face. This is a public forum.

Most guys think they have strong feelings when in truth it's more a case of strong hormones. Not that the two can't combine forces...that's been known to happen. In many ancient tribal cultures couples were expected to have a lengthy period of courtship before becoming sexually involved. That was so the fire that kindled in the lower chakras (sexual energy) would build up until it ascended into and opened the heart chakra (love-friendship-idealism-altruism). Having opened the heart, they were then ready to embark on a real partnership. This was a very wise procedure. If they had sex too soon the energy tended to just discharge itself...particularly in the case of the men, and the heart was not fully opened.

hesperis - "that warm fuzzy feeling...affection and lust mixed" Well, yes indeed. Both affection and lust are perfectly legitimate in their own right, given appropriate circumstances. I think it's very sad how sexuality has been both demonized and idealized out of all context in the Judeo-Christian tradition...the virgin/whore dichotomy. Taoist thought treats it more as simply the natural process of exchanging Yin and Yang energy, which is seen throughout nature. They see it as a health issue, not a moral issue. Taoists were not prudes, nor were they licentious.

That warm fuzzy feeling is one of life's kindest and most beneficent gifts, but in this society one must use it with some discretion.