The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126906   Message #2827295
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
01-Feb-10 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: thought about yodeling
Subject: RE: thought about yodeling
Good question! I remember it was 'used' but probably isn't. It was the cheapest. There are only 5 left. But I can't remember the name.

For those not familiar with Riders in the Sky, here's a video of them.

enjoyable skit

One reason I really enjoy them is that they are so relaxed. Especially Ranger Doug. What form of Zen does he tap to have that air of peaceful joy about him in front of all those strangers?

Can it be that he knows he can out-yodel any of them?
This DVD should add a new element to our (i.e., my husband's) collection of Fred Astaire, Hitchcock and Tremors movies, few of which I can stand to watch clear through.