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Thread #115883   Message #2827312
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Feb-10 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Okay, Sawzaw... ;-) I think you're fixated on me. I will respond to your post.

Sorry MR holier than thou that likes to insult other people's countries and get all hurt when they do the same. You are clearly fixated on the USA.

Yeah, like the Gauls and the Greeks were fixated on imperial Rome. ;-) Why be surprised? The USA is the Superpower of today, so everyone's fixated on the USA for very clear reasons.

Now if the Imperial mean old US is bad and socio/capitalist AC/DC Canada is so good, Wouldn't it be great if the bad US went away and the good Canada was finally rid of the US?

It would be just lovely, you betcha, but it ain't gonna happen. ;-)

No? Don't want that to happen? Would you just rather tell others what to do to benefit yourself even more?

To the contrary. I'd love the USA to "go away" (or at least leave other people alone), but like I said, it ain't gonna happen.

Could Canada's Socialist side survive with out the extra $17,108.5 Billion per year to baby sit it's people so they can hoot about what a success they are?

Yes. Easily. No sweat.

Sorry, this is the only quote from that speech and to me it means what it says:

"There is no terrorist threat in this country. This is a lie. This is the biggest lie we've been told."

You have been told a long series of big lies, Sawzaw. You were told that Muslim people hate democracy. That's a lie. You were told that the Muslims wish to conquer the world. That's a lie. You were told that Saddam had WMDs. That was a lie. You were told that 911 was planned by Osama. That is probably a lie. You were told that Afghanistan was to blame for it. That was a lie. You were told that the current wave of terrorism began when Muslims attacked the USA. That was a lie. The threat of terror attacks on the USA has been so grossly exaggerated by your government because it allows the people in power in the USA to launch illegal wars and to deprive you Americans of your civil rights with things like the Patriot Act. You've been experiencing a gradual fascist takeover for years now. You're living in the incubation chamber of the Fourth Reich and you're too blind and deluded to even know it's happening. That's what Michael Moore was trying to alert you to.

As for the thing about the Queen...sure. Of course there's no controversy when she visits the USA...she doesn't play any jurisdicational role in the USA, so it's not an issue for Americans. She would get the same positive and respectful reception in Japan for the same reason...she's not an issue there. She is an issue anywhere within her own jurisdiction, which is what used to be called the British Commonwealth (the remains of the once British Empire).

If you can't figure out why that is, you ain't even trying.