The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24616   Message #282764
Posted By: thosp
22-Aug-00 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: JC Makes a Bid for the US Presidency
Subject: RE: BS: JC Makes a Bid for the US Presidency
i'm still for Nader at this point --although i'm very interested in Christs' candidacy -- one of my first thoughts are that - although i greatly admire and respect His( Christs') positions and actions circa ? to 33 AD - i have to ask myself "what has He done lately?" -- are his positions still the same? ---- is He prolife or prochoice --- how much would he render unto Cesar? --- would he ask the military to turn the other cheek? -- also i have scoured the testaments and i find that Christ is ominously silent about enviormental issues -- ------ these are questions that beg to be answered ! ----- so i remain for Nader/LeDuke ---- and i worry that Christs' candidacy will hurt Nader ---- as for Lucifer --- it's time to vote his minions out of office!!!

peace (Y) thosp