The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2827926
Posted By: Smedley
02-Feb-10 - 04:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
On the vexed question of teaching, the 'homosexual agenda' and young people, a few thoughts.....

In British schools today, there are some teachers in some schools who discuss sexuality within an 'equal rights' framework that GfS would contest. Plenty of other schools (especially though that operate within a religious framework - which in the UK are called 'faith schools') do not do this.
The peer-group culture in schools (of all types) is often viciously anti-gay - lots of bullying that ranges from name-calling to physical attacks; plenty of young gay people in the UK still commit suicide while at school.

Children do not just learn at schools, of course. A child might get the equal rights agenda from a liberal teacher then go home to a very conservative household. (Or vice versa.) Teachers are not all-powerful (although some of them think they are!).

I shouldn't say 'they', really, I should say 'we', as I myself work in education, though at university level, not in schools. So I teach adults (albeit mostly young ones). Depending on the theme or topic of the class, if issues relating to homosexuality are relevant, I make no secret of my identity and the views that I hold. To me, it is honest to do so, as it allows students to filter what I say through the context of who I am. Among other things, I see this as important and supportive for my gay students and instructive for my non-gay students.

I admire the fortitude and bravery of teachers (whether ther are gay, straight or whatever) who discuss these things at school with students younger than university age. The culture of anti-gay prejudice in schools is such that their task is unenviably difficult - I couldn't do it myself.

Am I delivering a 'homosexual agenda' ? Quite possibly.
Are there other educators delivering a 'homophobic agenda' ? Quite possibly.
Is there a range of more or less 'neutral' positions that lie between the two ? Definitely.
Should I aim to adopt one of those 'neutral' stances ? Well that's a political and personal choice, and I've made mine.