The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126347 Message #2828105
Posted By: Charley Noble
02-Feb-10 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
Subject: RE: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
I think you're on firm ground with "Blow Boys Blow" (aka Congo River and related to at least three other named shanties in DEEP THE WATER SHALLOW THE SHORE); it's also a work song that the stevedores used on the docks in Australia as they pressed bales of wool.
And here are some more notes on shanties derived from minstrel or plantation field songs:
Coal Black Rose
Round the Corner Sally (Round the Corn Sally)
Doodle Let Me Go
Miss Lucy Long
Gimme de Banjo
Hilo, Boys, Hilo
And I can't resist a note on "Hilo" which in some shanties is taken as a reference to a favorite port in Western South America but was in fact transcribed by one curious observor much earlier in this plantation field song:
Oh, this is the day to roll and go, Hill-up, boys, hilo; Oh, this is the day to roll and go, Hill-up, boys, hilo!
It's also of interest that such "nautical" phrases as "roll and go" and "rock and roll" first appeared in the plantation field songs.