The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127030   Message #2828705
Posted By: Janie
02-Feb-10 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Is it Ok to sing from a song book?
Subject: RE: Is it Ok to sing from a song book?
Hi Chris,

Don't know if you have looked at other threads on the topic, but boy, is this one a controversial issue!

I have the same problem with remembering lyrics -have had it for several years now. If you love sharing the music and participating in song circles, I hope you do not let the distaste some have for those of us who need the lyrics in front of us from stopping you. Every voice that yearns to be raised in song deserves to be raised in song, in my opinion.

Having said that, I read about some song circles here on Mudcat where I would never be welcomed or valued because of my need for printed lyrics. If I knew in advance that needing the lyrics is anathema, that is not a song circle I would attend.    However, from what I can discern, most of these circles are composed of serious musicians interested only in playing and singing with other accomplished musicians. That is fine, and I understand that. I am grateful, though, for the number of fine musicians and singers in the world of folk music who value and encourage participation of us lesser mortals. My own singing has come a long way as the result of their encouragement and respect for the authenticity of my voice and desire to participate and sing, even though I am clearly not trained or professional. I'm like Auntie Bertha with the the guiless natural and spontaneous voice, singing on the front porch to keep myself company while stringing beans.