The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127030   Message #2829092
Posted By: Howard Jones
03-Feb-10 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Is it Ok to sing from a song book?
Subject: RE: Is it Ok to sing from a song book?
It doesn't matter whether it's a concert in front of hundreds of people, or a small singaround - it's still a performance. Even if you're inexperienced and nervous - especially if you're inexperienced and nervous - you should prepare beforehand. That means deciding what you're going to sing, plus a couple of reserves in case someone else gets in first, or in case you're asked for another with little warning. Learn them and practice them. If you need prompt cards to remind you of the key, or starting lines, have them ready and in order, and keep their use as brief as possible.

Of course inexperienced singers are nervous, but they're probably in supportive surroundings. Everyone, even experienced performers, gets nervous, it's what keeps you on your toes. The better prepared and rehearsed you are, the more confident you'll be and less likely to make mistakes.

However, part of learning to be a singer is learning how to cope with mistakes. Everyone makes them from time to time, even the pros. You could laugh it off, stop and start again, or even carry on regardless - a strategic mumble can get you past a forgotten word, or just make them up. If you play an instrument, an instrumental break can buy you time while you calm down and remember the next verse. Audiences are generally forgiving, and will soon forget you made an error, assuming they even noticed it.

Things like this are as much a part of being a singer as learning the words and the tune. They're skills which any would-be singer should aspire to. If you're going to do something, surely you should want do it properly and to the best of your ability.