The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2829895
Posted By: Royston
04-Feb-10 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Keith: The rise in population is about 0.5%. (250 times higher)

But you attribute that rise - with no evidential support - to immigration. You can't count the immigrants in when it suits you and then count them out again when it doesn't. If you count the immigrants in then you have to accept a 4,200 increase in HIV+ straight people.

If populations split 90/10 gay straight, then 10% of any mass immigration will be gay as well. So Immigration increases gay/straight populations at the same rate. So the assertion is doubly meaningless.

If you count immigrants out then - because you have claimed previously that 'indigenous' populations are falling - you have to accept a 500% increase increase in UK-acquired infections against the backdrop of a falling indigenous straight population.

Either way, your assertion was wrong, wrong-minded, racist and a classic example of what I accused you of - trimming a bit, ignoring a bit, bending a bit, lying a prove that bollocks ain't bollocks.

And it is even more irritating, and supportive of the dim opinion that I and others hold of you, that you continue this nonsense in light of the otherwise quite progressive opinions that you "confessed" to.