The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127044   Message #2829945
Posted By: Richard Bridge
04-Feb-10 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: What glue can you use in a microwave?
Subject: RE: BS: What glue can you use in a microwave?
unless you can get a sleeve over the leg, I think glue is going to be a waste of time. Cyanoacrylates for example are good in tension but not in flexure, and there are also some types of plastics (the ones that feel "waxy" to touch) that are almost impossible to glue. I played that game once with the pump housing for a dishwasher - the pump was expensive but absolutely no glue would both take to the waxy plastic and withstand hot water - and never mind water with dishwasher powder chemicals in it.

Try (if you are in the UK) Partmaster.