The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2830302
Posted By: akenaton
04-Feb-10 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
The only bigotry I see here is bigotry against truth.
The health figures, especially the latest set from UNAIDS prove that homosexual practice is unsafe and unhealthy.
I have argued against the promotion of homosexuality as safe and healthy right from the start.
I do not hate or fear homosexuals, but in general I believe that homosexuals are not ammending their behaviour in light of a whole series of health statistics which calculate that homosexuals are at least 50 times more likely to contract hiv/aids than heterosexuals.

Like the US president, I dont believe in homosexual marriage, as it seeks to redefine marriage to accomodate homosexual practice and forces ordinary people who have religious faith to accept something which most of them fundamentally disagree with.

If I am a vile bigot for expressing my views, then Mr Obama, hero of the "liberal left" must also be a vile bigot.