The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2830753
Posted By: akenaton
05-Feb-10 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Peter...How can you possibly contend that the "Church" encourages child abuse? Surely that could never be in the interests of the church.
Each case of child abuse is personal to the priest who carried out the assault. Where the "Church was at fault, was in attempting to cover up the abuse when it had been doubt about that, it was a cynical and cruel form of self preservation.
The Church is also at fault in hanging on to the celibacy rule, which is certain to attract people with sexual problems into the priesthood.

I would also like to know why you catagorise me as a "vile bigot", for repeating health figures which are freely available on the internet
You seem to share my views on homosexual marriage, so that can't be a problem.

I find the "gay culture" which we are bombarded with in the media, distictly off putting.....but I dont suppose I'm in the minority in that.
I also find the idea of homosexual practice, and the nudge nudge jokes associated with it, disgusting...that is a personal opinion, but I'm prepared to bet that it is shared by the vast majority of heterosexuals

As you have already said, homosexual practice is a condition, a behavioural condition, and as such, criticism of it is not "bigotry"