The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2831048
Posted By: Don Firth
05-Feb-10 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
So. A couple of clips from the "Celtic Woman" show, with an accompanying on-line "I.Q. test." What's that supposed to prove?

In high school I had an I.Q. test (Stanford-Binet), and a similar but different test in my college entrance exams. And for certain jobs, I have had to take similar tests. I can say that I am quite pleased and gratified with the results. But I'm not going to broadcast those results because I have noted that it is characteristic of sessions in which people get to comparing I.Q.s, as it goes around the table, everyone's I.Q. gets higher. No one will fess up that they have a lower I.Q. than any of those who precede them.

Besides, whenever I've played with one of those on-line quizzes, it always turns out that someone is trying to sell me something, and I wind up with about a dozen tracking cookies from their web site.

You've always been truthful to (about) me? Not bloody likely! With the meager information I mentioned about my private life on the Prop 8 thread, you shuffled the events, interpreted them in your own manner, putting the worst possible spin on them, then blew them all out of proportion and wrote a whole new scenario trying to make me look like a self-centered clod and an irresponsible father. Those who know me and know what the real situation was (is) would be tempted to slap you silly for that attempt to libel me.

And THEN—on the basis of your fictions, you have the unmitigated temerity to try to offer me counseling in an open internet forum!

GfS, If you actually are a psychological counselor, you would be aware that sort of thing is a gross violation of professional ethics.


So am I to assume from what you've said in your most recent posts that you now favor same-sex marriages (if only as the best way to reduce promiscuity by encouraging stable, monogamous relationships) and that you no longer maintain that same-sex orientation is a psychopathic condition that can be cured through counseling (despite all the evidence to the contrary), and that you now repudiate Richard Cohen, the self-proclaimed "ex-gay" who, without training or credentials, maintains that he can "cure" homosexuals—by lying on a sofa with them, fondling and caressing them, and assuring them that they are loved?

By the way, I would suggest that any Mudcatter who has the stomach for it can go back over what you have posted and what I have posted on both this thread and the "Prop 8" thread and read who actually said what.

Don Firth