The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2831646
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Feb-10 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Jeez, Don, Do you have the attention span of a mayfly?? Read my earlier post, and the CONTEXT of my statement. I was talking about giving homosexuals the CHOICE,(which you seem to object to), for those who were possibly 'going through a 'phase', and may want to have children of their own(with their own female wife). Read the post again. I was not 'bagging' on homosexuals, I was merely saying that SOME, may, (that is if your political doctrines), would PERMIT them!! I also said, that to some, that may not be the case. Not only that, earlier in this thread, it was well covered, though not that much by me, that homosexual partnerships tend to have a higher promiscuity, rate than married heteros. That being said, I'm not in any way excusing heteros from being promiscuous, nor minimizing their roles in doing that either. To me, Promiscuity, in either, is not only dangerous, hurtful, but stupid!!..especially when there is families and/or children involved, in being hurt by it....

Can't you, agree with that?????
Allow others to make their choice, for themselves....and not lock that up from them by what you read into a 'political decree'!
Fair enough????........or does fairness interfere with your screwed up rigid, misinterpretation of a misconception of 'civil rights'??

Allow people to grow, mature, change their 'orientations', IF THEY WANT!!...and should they want to have their own children, of their own genes, with a woman they have grown to love...LET THEM DO IT!!
It happens, has happened, and will continue to happen, whether you like it or not! ...and you describe yourself as a liberal?????????????

Just for you: