The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39480   Message #2831717
Posted By: GUEST,999
06-Feb-10 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add:The Ballad of Stalin (songs about Stalin)
Subject: RE: ballad of stalin maccoll
The following may help you in future. A Google of "ballad of stalin" ives too many sites to search in a reasonable lifetime. However, one of the sites

Ewan MacColl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... in Vietnam) and The Ballad of Stalin ("Joe Stalin was a mighty man and a mighty man was he/ He led the Soviet people on the road to victory"), ... - Cached - Similar

shows that one of the lines in the song is

"Joe Stalin was a mighty man and a mighty man was he"

I then Googled that (with the quotation marks as is) and was taken to a Google page that has only four sites on it. I opened all four and found the lyrics on the site to which I hotlinked.

I expect now that Google will show five sites to have that line. The fifth site will be Mudcat.

Some songs take a bit more digging. Some come quite easily. I will notify the OP.