The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2831726
Posted By: akenaton
06-Feb-10 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
What a load of crap!
By fuck, you guys sure wriggle when you're on the hook.

This part of the discussion came around because a couple of posters whom I respect very much (Richard and Peter) referred to me as a "vile bigot" for holding the views I do on homosexuality and the dangers of homosexual practice,as we know it today.

Politically, my views are closer to theirs than most of the Mudcat members and I have no reason to believe that our views on religion or most other issues, would differ, yet they feel strongly enough to accuse me of bigotry for expressing my views....not abusing homosexuals, not making jokes at their expense, not wishing them harm, butsimply expressing my opinion that homosexual practice appears by the health figures to be very dangerous indeed....and to make what seems to me an obvious truth, that the vast majority of hetereosexual people find the idea of homosexual practice distasteful.
My post, which initiated this part of the discussion,
went as follows

"Do you think that I, as a heterosexual have a "choice" as to how I feel about homosexual practice?
Or does Mother Nature determine my responses.
Why do my natural responses make ME a "bigot"

Perhaps we could get back to discussing the true meaning of bigotry, and stop posting inane shite like the attempt to equate my views with racism, or Smokey's pearl of wisdom(supported by Crow Sister) that, "if you don't like something, just don't think about it".....try telling that to some of the "liberal" witch hunters who inhabit this many "liberal" causes not to think about!   :0)