The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39480 Message #2832051
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Jaque
07-Feb-10 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add:The Ballad of Stalin (songs about Stalin)
Subject: RE: REALITY: Your Hero Uncle Joe.
Hate to have to burst your little Utopian bubble here Komrades, but here's a little History that Komrade Educator might have neglected to tell you about in your neighborhood government indoctrination center (AKA "Public School"):
I can't find where very many people are singing about it, especially any survivors who might still be alive - but if I can find a ballad to commemorate this one example of "Uncle Joe's" many stellar humanitarian accomplishments I'll be sure to post it.
Please don't even get me started on one of Anita DUNN's 2 favorite Philosophers and apparent political mentor of at least 2 of our current Dear Leader's Politbureau, "Chairman Mao".