The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127117   Message #2832061
Posted By: VirginiaTam
07-Feb-10 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Subject: RE: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Everyone's palates are so very unique. I cannot stand aubergine (egg plant) no matter how it is soaked or prepared, it always has a nasty bitter taste to me.

I didn't like rocket (arugala). until about a year ago it was too bitter for me. I love it now especially with baby spinach, strawberries and balsamic vinegar. Gorgeous.

I use loads of ice berg lettuce because I like lots of crunchy in my sarnies (sandwiches) and wraps and salads. Inexpensive way to fill up salad or sandwich.

Of late, I cannot eat coriander (cilantro) without getting a 3 day long soapy after taste. I used to love carrot and coriander soup. No more.

BTW... Digestive biscuits are not exactly like graham crackers. I would love to have some cinnamon graham crackers. Sigh! The things I miss being in the UK.