The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126347 Message #2832109
Posted By: John Minear
07-Feb-10 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
Subject: RE: From SF to Sydney - 1853 Shanties Sung?
Harlow's book THE MAKING OF A SAILOR, OR SEA LIFE ABOARD A YANKEE SQUARE-RIGGER, which was supposed to originally be THE MAKING OF A SAILOR: CHANTEYING ON THE AKBAR, was published in 1928. The "chantey" part of the book was not finally published until 1962, after Harlow's death. It has been republished in 2004 by the Mystic Seaport Museum. I would suppose that Harlow was working on his memoirs and chanteys in the 1920s, and perhaps earlier. Pond wrote his memoirs in 1895. In both cases, Harlow and Pond were "recollecting" about forty years or so after the events which they recall.