The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2832224
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
07-Feb-10 - 01:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
The problem with repugnant homophobia is that religions peddle it, making many weird people feel justified with their abhorrent views.

Wow, those of you writing "right thinking" or "normal" meaning your warped view on how other lifestyles, being different to yours are wrong.... I bet you have removed all the mirrors in your house, or can you actually look yourself in the face without frowning???

Look.. A couple of things to try and bring this thread back on course;

1. A foreigner has (successfully up to yet) interfered with British Parliamentary process to inflict a view. A view, I may add that flies completely in the face of the Bill in question; an EQUALITY bill.

2. Christian leaders are allowed to influence british law, despite the fact that less 1% of British people attend a Christian church, and of them, a fair proportion don't really believe in an imaginary friend.

3. If the equality bill becomes law with religious organisations exempt from the law, we will have proved we truly are still a medieval state.

4. When faith and science disagree... Science has knocked another nail in the coffin of superstition....

(Sorry, couldn't resist the last one.)