The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127117   Message #2832517
Posted By: Janie
07-Feb-10 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Subject: RE: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
I wonder if the dislike that some folks have for arugula comes from the experience of eating it once the leaves are large, or after the weather has heated up. (Where I live, a summer salad out of the garden is not going to have much of anything but tomatoes, green peppers and cukes in. (well, maybe some french sorrel or lambsquarters.) Cool weather crops are finished by mid to late May.)

Young arugula has a nutty as well as mildly peppery taste. The slightly sweet nuttiness disappears as the plant gets larger and bolts to flowers.

Ruth, I would love to try that arugula pesto recipe!   Is it the same as basil pesto, only with arugula?

On this side of the pond, we call the plant cilantro and the seeds corriander. I used to have a yummy recipe for a lime-cilantro vinaigrette that went particularly well with salads that included avocado and strips of jicama, or used as a chicken marinade for mexican dishes.