The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127130   Message #2832523
Posted By: gnu
07-Feb-10 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy SUPER SUNDAY!
Subject: RE: BS: Happy SUPER SUNDAY!
Will the Saints double Clark? What if Addai is lined up short... will they drop and stop and risk the cross short under with the deep threat optional? Will the Colts secondary play blanket zone beyond mid-field and leave one deep back or play man-to-man on blitz and dare the Saints to pound the ball? Have they got the balls to risk it against the Brees? Are they Manning enough?

Or dozens of other scenarios... chess indeed. Unless you know the game, you just don't know it. On many threads, I have said I LOVE football, rugby, tennis, squash, etc... but Yankee Football is like everything else the Yanks do... they just do it better.