The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2832592
Posted By: Royston
07-Feb-10 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Ake: Royston is of course a complete wanker on all threads.
Has Keith taught you how to drive your abacus yet Royston?

All this time and all those faces from which to speak, and that's the best you can do? Shame on you.

As you yourself proved (via one of your faces) on the "Death penalty..." thread, significant threats to the health and safety of gay men, and significant hinderances to anti-HIV strategies, are the bigoted and ignorant views espoused by your other face - and by similar people. As you pointed out, if people like you, and views like yours, could in some way be controlled or prevented, then homosexuality could be de-stigmatised and more of the people who need to access care and HIV-prevention, would access them.

Source: Ake's other face, the one that supports the recent anti-bigotry campaigns of UNAIDS and the WHO. Pop over to the other thread and read all about it.

If we could get Ake's faces to say the same thing, maybe they could nip off to The Vatican and have a word? I'm sure Benedict would wither before the majesty of Ake's deductive reasoning.