The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2832622
Posted By: Donuel
07-Feb-10 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
The deFacto founder of tea partiers is Dick Army as Alice reinterated.

I have despised Dick ever since he was found to be the one who snuck into the capitol building and stuck in a secret ammendment to a Pharmaceutical bill at 2 AM. The Bill was passed the next morning without anyone but him knowing that it had been revised. The law that he inserted at 2AM made it impossible for parents to sue Drug companies for more than several thousand dollars when their children were maimed or killed by drugs that were knowingly poison or negligently developed.

Dick is not looking out for the little guy. Neither are Tea bag birther gun toting real americans - simply because they are misled by shills such as Glen Beck , Bill O'Reilly , Mark Levine , Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. ( The Greats of American Statesmanship and Constitutional scholars.