The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127117   Message #2833177
Posted By: GUEST,LTS on the sofa
08-Feb-10 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Subject: RE: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Here's a little tip for good rocket.

Buy one of the plants from the supermarket - Sainsburys and Tesco's both have living herbs for sale during the summer, and rocket is usually one of them.

Harvest some of the younger leaves but don't hurt the central shoot. Plant it in your garden and forget about it until next year, when it should have seeded itself across your garden. Somehow, this newly sprung rocket will taste infinitely better and more peppery than the original plant. Leave the central shoot alone and you should have rocket for several years to come, but it won't be in the same place every year. If you have a particularly windy summer, you may need to look in your neighbour's gardens.

I'm not a great fan of eating shrubbery and if I do have to have it, I like it like I like my men... fresh and undressed. Why grow all these different tasting leaves if you're only going to drown them in oil?