The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126835   Message #2833195
Posted By: theleveller
08-Feb-10 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Show Of Hands - over the top?-Arrogance, Ignorance
Subject: RE: Show Of Hands - over the top?-Arrogance, Ignorance
"And leveller, it would be good if just occasionally you did take sides...and started to remember what went on on the BBC board..."

Oh I do take sides - mine. I put forward my opinion on whatever subject is being discussed, if I have an opinion, and sometimes I put it quite (very?) vehemently. The thing is, I wasn't around on the beeb board when whatever happened happened - I'd got fed up with the whole thing and stopped posting for a few months.

Usually, I can have a good old ding-dong with most people without it getting personal and I've now learnt to try to keep it that way. So, for instance, Lizzie, you and I can argue like cat and dog but we don't go around making effigies of each other and stick pins in them. Same with others on here.I sort of like it that way - must be getting old!

Anyway, must go and look for some asprin - I've suddenly got a really bad stabbing pain in my head - and my stomach......