The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126835   Message #2833438
Posted By: Surreysinger
08-Feb-10 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: Show Of Hands - over the top?-Arrogance, Ignorance
Subject: RE: Show Of Hands - over the top?-Arrogance, Ignorance
>"And put a great many more off of it ..."
>You see, there it is again, that same negativie put down, over and over, which seems to always come from the traditional world, eh, Irene.

Lisa - That was not intended as a negative put down, but more a statement of fact about what effect overkill can have (a point which has been put to you more than once over by many better souls than I over the years). I hadn't intended to post anything further to this thread at all, as those are the sort of comments that you invariably come up with. Before I depart from this thread, which as you so rightly state is retreating to the same old, same old,just a couple of comments

>>your take on folk music is very serious

Rubbish! Please, do not make assumptions about me and what I like musically. My tastes are actually quite broad,both within and outside the folk arena and I am certainly not serious about my music except when I have to be . I'm "serious" in my enjoyment of all types of music, and I've bopped to the best of the acts you have espoused in the last few years, well before you'd heard of them, and others you probably haven't discovered yet. (Oh, and maybe singing for Motorhead fans and going to a Motorhead gig immediately afterwards a couple of years ago is serious ??? I must have a think about that.)

> I realise that you and Ralphie are good friends

This really has no bearing on what I said (see my remark about the comment above). You're obviously aware that we have been working together in the last year (in fact we had never met until three years ago, and had exchanged about two sentences on Mudcat along the lines of "say hello to X for me when you go to his gig" on his part before that).My comment has nothing to do with him (indeed I haven't spoken to him for about three weeks since we spoke about a business related matter).. we are both capable of independent thought and decision at our respective ages, and I would not necessarily agree with everything he says or does, and I'm sure he'd say the same about me.

And I am now out of this conversation.