The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127117   Message #2833876
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
09-Feb-10 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Subject: RE: BS: Rocket, tasteless rubbish
Rocket, love it too! Easy peasy to grow as others have said. Though some flavours are challenging for folk, I wouldn't call it 'bland' by any means. Nutty and peppery. The wee flowers are nice too added to a salad. I also like to grow 'perpetual spinach' (spinach beet) which is just as easy peasy: cut and come again greens for cooking or salad. Bit less teeth gratey (shudder) than spinach proper though. Anybody used rape flowers in salad? Always nibble it when walking - nice spicy sharp taste.

By the way, what language is 'arugula' from?