The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2833939
Posted By: mandotim
09-Feb-10 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
As usual, WAV, when anyone suggests you put some effort into something yourself rather than demand that others do, you bottle out. You clearly don't understand anything about National Socialism (not 'nationalism'). Read the Shirer book, then you might just understand why people on Mudcat (and quite possibly at interview) find you and your views so repellent. Or have you retired from reading as well as 'versification'?
About paid gigs; I've seen your attempts at performance on your website. As a performer, WAV, you're not even as good as Florence Foster Jenkins, with all that implies. You can't sing, and your recorder playing is a joke. There is no venue that I can think of that would pay a penny to stage one of your performances.
You think you're employable; if you actually have been trying to get a job, then clearly potential employers disagree with your opinion. Time to retrain, and perhaps revise your opinion of yourself? But no; that would involve you actually doing something, wouldn't it?
You really should listen to Spaw;

Your " poetry sucks "
It has been posted repeatedly before
It is full of bigoted and racist statements
That which isn't racist is often incredibly juvenile
It is obvious to most that you have limited knowledge of the world, especially considering your supposed travels.