The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2835482
Posted By: Bobert
10-Feb-10 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
I don't own no one any apology, Sawz...

Listen son... I know alot about different white folks an alot about different black folk... I've worked in the Richmond City Hail as a jail house teacher... I've worked at a half-way house in the inner city... I've worked in social work... I'm a blues musican havin' learned from black folk in Mississippi where the 'lectric wires don't go... And I've lived around mountain white folk and what I refer to as rednecks... The folks I refer to as rednecks are the kinda folks that if I called 'um a redneck or them call me one wouldn't be nuthin' but good fun... Same with black folks... When I was workin' in the jail and halfway house black folks would call me "nigga"... No big deal...

Ya' see, I understand these words probably better than anyone you have ever met... I ain't braggin' 'er nothin' here... I'm just expalinin' the context of what I know about these words... Lotta dumbass white people love to say "I ain't racist when I use the term nigger 'cause it don't mean black" but then ya never hear these sazme peoples callin' any white folks "niggers"... I mean, like never... A reneck call another redneck "nigger" and there's gonna be some guns comin' into play... So I don't buy that line at all... Might of fact, I go into this general store just about every morning to buy my Washington Post and the joint is absolutely filled with rednecks... Hey, I get along fine with these peoples 'cause I know how to get along with folks... They all know I worked for Obama but it don't stop them from using the "n" word freely in talkin' about him??? Like go figure... But I understand that... I really do... I understand rednecks... Redneck can be a bad thing or a good thing between rednecks but it's never exclusively about white folks...

That's where you miss the point, Sawz... Nigger is never used by rednecks as anything but race...

But I don't reckon you can undersatnd that... But I reckon there is no reason on earth why you should... Maybe ya' gotta understand the black culture a little more... You can't understand it from afar... The only way you can understand it is to do what I did and emerse yerself for many years in it...

Does that make me some kinda hero??? No, it doesn't... It does give me a perspective that few white folks have... I didn't go lookin' for those experiences... They found me...

Believe me, Sawz... This is not the battle where you nedd to make your stand... Go fight with me on other stuff... Not this one...

TAX CUTS??? Yeah, lets fight about them...
