The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2836123
Posted By: Stu
11-Feb-10 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
"That is not only outrageous but quite stupid."


"Christianity, and Judaism before it, have always condemned promiscuous sex and will continue to do so. Like many articles of Jewish law, the prosciption is hygienic in origin."

Hygienic? So nothing to do with a code of morality then? Out of interest, what do they say about nose picking then? As far as I am aware, the Bible, Talmud or any other ancient text doesn't discuss condom use so any modern decree won't be the result of divine instruction but mortal construction.

"The social service agencies that distribute condoms in Africa and provide information on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases make no moral judgements. This is a luxury that religion does not have. "

Quite right too - at least not everyone is abandoning those in need when the going gets tough. If religion cannot negotiate it's way through complex moral and cultural dilemmas then it's only showing it's own shortcomings. Many of these people live in abject poverty and need real, practical help to overcome the challenges they face, not the disapproving judgements of those who supposedly share their faith. So much for the parable of the good Samaritan.

"A married couple living in a committed relationship with each other and with their Creator need have little worry about dying of AIDS."

What's that got to do with the price of cheese?

"AIDS is spread by filthy behavior, not by the advocacy of basic standards of morality."

Like the leaflet said, HIV is spread by ignorance - education is the key as it is with so many preventable diseases.