The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127261   Message #2836841
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
12-Feb-10 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Lark Rise: BBC error?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Lark Rise: BBC error?
It's cobblers.

If Queenie is a bit of a country 'cunning woman' then she'd have *bound* that witch's spirit fast, and never ever freed her!

What the writers have imposed on Queenie are extremely modern PC sensibilities, entirely at odds with what would have been the case in a village like Lark Rise at that time. To village folk (and to cunning men and women) witches were entirely malevolent and dangerous beings. Much of the work of someone like Queenie (if she is being pitched as a cunning woman by the writers) would be to protect against and reverse a witches evil magic. She would also have had the folk magical tools and skills to trap a witch, most unlikely any of it would have been 'researched' or 'discovered' either, but most likely inherited orally.

No village cunning woman would have used the compass points either, that's a fully modern Wiccan thing hailing from the fifties (with some caveats irrelevant to Queenie's situation).

The writers could easily have worked this stuff out, but why not just perpetuate yet more modern fakelore when that's so much easier and less hassle?