The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24616   Message #283719
Posted By: ceitagh
23-Aug-00 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: JC Makes a Bid for the US Presidency
Subject: RE: BS: JC Makes a Bid for the US Presidency
(I tried to post this earlier, but my connection faltered and i've only now come back on.)

IMHO, Peter does much better satire than the articles author. I have to side with Kendall on this one...the idea was clever, but the humor was poorly executed. And just for the record:

I *hate* the term 'religious right'!! If ever there was a more convenient, consistently misused and abused label, I have yet to hear of it. Its almost as bad as 'radical feminist' another oft used tarbrush. When will we understand that these labels only divide, and as long as we continue to label and disregard those we disagree with, we'll never find out what truth and wisdom they might have! Sorch, i'm far more offended by what you posted here than by anything in the original article, the assumptions inherent in your writing leaves me sad. That said, there is very little more i feel i can say on the topic that would actually sink in and make an impact. I have talked to enough walls in my short life.

just another Christian fanatic