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Thread #127011   Message #2837220
Posted By: beeliner
12-Feb-10 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Two quotes from Richard:

"Filthy sexual behaviour" - give me a break, I thought stupid ideas like that died out in the early 60s.

Even if God existed the idea of a licence to do evil in the name of GOd is farcical.

Richard, you can use whatever adjective you wish. If you don't like 'filthy', substitute 'reckless', 'amoral', 'potentially lethal', or any other description you like.

The fine (artistically) young actor Ray Sharkey got AIDS from needle sharing, gave it to several young women before he died, they all died later, I would call that filthy behavior. He didn't do that because he was a Catholic, he did it because he was a contemptible, amoral louse.

The point is, neither the Catholic Church nor any other Church, except possibly the Church of Satan, is going to say 'If you commit adultery, do it this way', as poster mouse seems to believe they should.

And that, of course, brings us to your second quote above. I thought that was what I had been saying all along.