The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127278   Message #2837592
Posted By: open mike
12-Feb-10 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: Would you buy a new Toyota ??
Subject: RE: Would you buy a new Toyota ??
well, since my current Toyota For-runner is approaching 300,000 miles, i may have to get another vehicle some has served me well..
just back from a 1,000 mile trip...never had a new car, except as a child, when my uncle had a Dodge dealership, and gave my folks good deals.

Since i live in the mountains, and it can snow here, plus i am a fire fighter and sometimes need to get to rather inaccessible places, the four wheel drive is a feature i often need to use.

My previous vehicle, a Ford "Exploder"
did a good job for me, and before that a Dodge Colt Vista,
back when they held 7 passengers and were four wheel drive.
This was a Mitsubishi Plymouth/Dodge product.

Since i am about an hour from the closest town, with no mass transit, i am very dependant upon my vehicle...i carry fire gear, music gear,
tools, equipment, camping equipment, water, laundry, video equipment,
and so much more. I always have jumper cables, tow strap, and other tools and stuff on board....

I looked at the new toyota highlander...a hybrid SUV..but it cost more than a house!