The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2837911
Posted By: mandotim
13-Feb-10 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
One more time; I asked you to define 'regulationism' as a philosophy, without referring to your crap poem on the subject, since this is simplty a bunch of half-baked opinions. I asked you to offer a considered, rational view of why you think it is a good thing to limit the freedom of individuals in such draconian ways. I asked you to support this by reference to the political literature (not unreasonable, since you claim to have an academic background). In other words, WAV, I asked you to think for once about what you are saying rather than regurgitating the tired, nonsensical observations contained in you 'life's work'. A proper answer this time please; I showed you enough respect to plough through all your turgid rubbish, I think you owe me the courtesy of a considered answer in return. I have asked you a number of other questions recently, including a request to justify your comments about Stu and I. No answers to these either, I note. By the way;
--Your 'poetry' sucks
--It has been posted repeatedly before
--It is full of bigoted and racist statements
--That which isn't racist is often incredibly juvenile
--It is obvious to most that you have limited knowledge of the world, especially considering your supposed travels.