The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127292   Message #2838001
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
13-Feb-10 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
Subject: RE: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
I like to think that I have never thought I was better than anyone and conversely I believe that no-one is better than me. Bob Dylan puts it ver succinctly -

I've heard you say many times
That you're better 'n no one
And no one is better 'n you.
If you really believe that,
You know you got
Nothing to win and nothing to lose.

As Dick said earlier, there are some things we better than others and other people do many things far better than I can but that does not make me or them any better.

I have often said of music in particular that none is any better or worse. Just either too my tastes or not and as tastes are extemely subjective there is no point in arguing about them! As to trad and contemporary being from the same roots and therefore the same I find that something of misnomer. Taking that to extremes ALL music is from the same roots and therefore all the same. Which is obviously nonsense or everyone would like all music. Which the obviously don't!
