The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127305   Message #2838003
Posted By: Maryrrf
13-Feb-10 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Record store decline.
Subject: RE: Record store decline.
CDs will be around for awhile, but I don't know about stores that sell them - at least stores whose main products are CDs. Like VT, I used to spend hours in record/CD stores browsing, but nowadays there is almost never a good selection of trad folk, which is usually what I'm looking for. So, I either order on-line (where you can usually listen to samples) or get it direct from the artist, either from their website or at a gig. I also like to have an actual CD, with liner notes, but sometimes I do download individual songs (yes I do pay for them) and make up a customized compilation CD to listen to in the car. I have an MP3 player but rarely use it for music - I mostly listen to books.