The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127305   Message #2838067
Posted By: GUEST,Doc John
13-Feb-10 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Record store decline.
Subject: RE: Record store decline.
A great shame. I used to enjoy browsing record shops looking for LP's and later CD's which might interest me, both releases from familiar artists and from artists of whom I had not previously heard. You can't find something on the internet if you don't know what you're looking for! The passing of Tower Records - with its racks of folk, blues, bluegrass and jazz - is much to be regretted - and Solo in Exeter. There always used to be a few racks of 'folk' in every record shop, even if the definition was applied rather loosely: now 'folk' is in the single 'other' rack with everthing else from Bing to Beethoven.
The same applies to books shops, especially the second hand ones.