The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127305   Message #2838539
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
13-Feb-10 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Record store decline.
Subject: RE: Record store decline.
There was a brilliant record store in Brisbane, apparently run by a couple of solicitors as a 'hobby', but it made money and paid for a good manager, etc. They had a lots of 'folkie' & comedy stuff and a wide range of esoterica, including 2nd hand vinyl. Was where I first found Nonesuch, including things like documentary things, eg Hitler's speeches, and a wide range of things like music based on "Bartel's music diagrams" - readings of the Sun's output, etc.

It suffered a bit with CDs & DVDs coming in, and changed a bit, but was still the only place where you could walk in and get things like a massive range of International (English language) comedy, and medieval Music, etc. The second hand stuff was where you could fiond Square dance calling records, 45s from the 60s. etc.

The owners died, and the apparently not so bright heirs wanted 'more money' - kicked out the esoterica, and stocked up on 'Top 10', etc, even opened a shop at the Gold Coast (moving out of a monopoly position, and into a crowded market), and farmed off the 2nd hand shop, and eventually the faithful manager left. It closed soon after.

If it had opened an Internet shop, it could still be going... you just can't get anything but 'Top 10' stuff in Brisbane, except for a couple of little 'Indie & Import' shops, but they have been dying off over the years too.