The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2838645
Posted By: Ed T
13-Feb-10 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense

Yes I was a Catholic for 40 odd years....and in fact I am very proud of my decision, and the right one, not to be directly associated with this church anymore. My chouice to leave was after such shameful priest actions with children and the coverup at highest levels.

When I left I became free and it opened my eyes and mind directly to Gods teachings the the Bible. ...not through the foggy lenses I once wore as an obedient member of the RC church. ...btw, Gods words directly guide all humans,not just Roman Catholics.

I recall when I attended RC catechism as a teen, our Priest openly tought us children that only Roman Catholics could go to heaven. I was the only person to speak up that this can not be the message of a kind God. I was ignored. And, this has been repeated in words and writings of more senor RC officials through the RC history. These are not the words of God....but of those who have strayed from Gods messages....for some other reasons.

When I words like "with which God expected Catholics to comply", I am reminded of the narrow vision I was taught as a RC....that God only speaks to Roman Catholics.

I do respect the choice of other loyal members of the Rome ruled church. and their dedication to their faith. However, if RCs expect respect from persons with other convictions, they must extend a similar respect to those with different views on religeon and Gods teachings.