The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2838775
Posted By: mandotim
14-Feb-10 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
So, David; I've asked a question that you can't (or won't) answer? (Again). You've got plenty of time to do the research, so why not do it? I mean, it's not as if you're doing anything useful, is it?
You really don't get it, do you David? What irritates me (and 99% of the others who seek to engage you on these threads)is your constant carping about what's wrong with the country and the culture that is currently enabling you to be idle all day and spend time polluting the internet with your rubbish. If you were contributing anything meaningful and well-considered, I might just tolerate you. But you don't, do you? Your ideas are all, without exception, unsustainable, unrealistic and rooted in your racist and sexist fantasies. Your poetry has no literary or social merit whatsoever, and your attempts at music are simply laughable. When challenged, you are completely unable to defend any of your assertions, and retreat into either mad rambling or re-quoting your appalling verse. Despite all this, you have a very high opinion of yourself and everything you do, so high that you feel able to lecture people on this board about their own areas of expertise (Eliza Carthy springs to mind), and aspire to be paid for your artistic efforts. This high opinion extends into other areas; you think you should have the power to order women to behave as you wish, and to order the exclusion of other races and cultures from taking a full part in the life of this country. You also believe that the trading systems of the world should be altered to suit your views, and that religions should reorganise themselves along the lines of the Gospel According to WalkaboutsVerse. Employers (in your view) are unfairly denying you jobs, despite manifest evidence that you are not sane enough to work. You should listen very carefully David; you are ill, and you should seek professional help. You are not just 'odd', or 'eccentric', you are way, way beyond that point. Your paranoia and megalomania are out of control, and there is evidence of obsessive/compulsive behaviour in the way you keep posting and re-posting your verses here and elsewhere. Your views on women hint at some rather odd sexual issues as well. I also suspect that Walkaboutsverse is becoming a true alter ego, allowing you to air some of your masturbatory fantasies in public. I'm leaving this thread now, David, as I've realised it's pointless letting you drag me down to your level; when it comes to idiotic conversations, you will always beat me because of your greater experience.