The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127295   Message #2838802
Posted By: Bobert
14-Feb-10 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Great News!!! Thank you Lord!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Great News!!! Thank you Lord!!
Well, well, well...

Tomorrow is the big day fir us... We sign the deed at 10 in the mornin' and then if I have it correctly it will be recorded on Tuesday am and moenies dispersed...

So yesterday I took my tractor down and spent 3 hours diggin' out the driveway at the spec house just in case the buyer decides to get outta DC today and drive down and see his new house...

I'm really curious about the buyer and itching to meet him... All I know is that his is a shrink, has 3 boxer dogs and that his agent also works part tome in his office doin' somethin'... I have met the agent, however, and I was askin' him if he tought that "The Doc" is the kinda guy who has this dream of riding a tractor with a straw hat and a wheat straw stickin' outta his mouth??? His agent thought that was absolutely funny and said, "Nah, he isn't that kinda guy. He's Quiet and likes to read alot."

Okee Dockee, we'll see about that... I'm sure "The Doc" will need a lot of stuff done when he settles in and I can't wait to see how "The Doc" reacts to some of my hillbilly friends who I'll refer to do that work... This is gonna be culture shock for "The Doc" but I ain't gonna say a word until the ink is dry on the deed and the money is back in my bank... Then the fun will begin...
