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Thread #127011   Message #2839464
Posted By: olddude
14-Feb-10 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
infallibility applies only to the sacraments, that is the fact. There are 7 of them, communion, confession, baptism etc ...

that is a very narrow and very specific set that applies. Other discussions such as condom use or politics he is speaking for himself and that is the true fact. When he talks about sacraments he has most catholics attention, when he talks about other matters like most Catholics we accept or ignore. The church any church is made up of people, people fail, people succeed, but they are human. God doesn't fail, people do. I get sick of the bashing, if one doesn't like people of faith no one is shoving their beliefs at you or forcing you to believe anything. Likewise those with faith don't go around bashing those who don't. It is your own path and the free will is terribly important I think. There is not any denomination that doesn't have abuse, The Catholic church is the largest of Christian churches with over a billion members hence it will have a higher number of abuse cases by virtue of the numbers of people. Likewise there are many many athiest that do their share of abuse but myself and everyone else I know with faith don't go lumping every atheist in the same category, one only has to look at the violence in Africa or the killing fields in Cambodia or Stalin ... I only know that when bad things happen, like the hurricane that hit New Orleans, it was the people of faith that were there first to help while the red cross waited.