The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2839546
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-Feb-10 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Joe Offer: "I dunno, Alex (mousethief). It sounds like you're spinning words. The Catholic Church would rather people not have sex outside of marriage, which would certainly do a lot to prevent the horrible deaths caused by AIDS. Condoms aren't really needed for controlling AIDS in a monogamous married couple who practice marital fidelity.

The primary right-wrong issue here is marital fidelity - birth control comes a far second. If a person doesn't practice the rule of fidelity, then why would he/she bother to follow a rule about condoms? It just doesn't make sense. Sorry, Alex, but your condemnation sounds a lot like propaganda."

I was raised Catholic, but am not one now. Though I've had my differences with their doctrines, the one Joe Offer offers, is absolutely true, and is common sense, whether you're a Catholic or not!
Some things transcend dogma, or political beliefs. Those of you who came out of the 60's, should have learned by now, that much of the reckless stuff that was done back then, was done out of rebellion, experimentation, and immaturity. Very very little came out of it that was forwarding, except getting past it!